Alaska's Page: "Day of Tears" by Julius Lester


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Week 1

1) Summary 

My story is called Day of Tears by Julius Lester. The story is about slavery. in the first few chapters gambling debts and greed cause Pierce Butler to host the biggest slave auction in American history to pay for his debts. A lot of the slaves that Pierce Butler owns are ones that have lived there for years. There are some slaves that played with Pierce when he was a kid and their parents new Pierce Butlers parents. This is making it especially hard for them because they all know each other and knew that Pierce used to be descent and respect them and treat them like anyone else. Pierce has two daughters. One of the daughters is in full support of slavery but the other hates it. They compare her to their mother who left.


This picture shows a slave auction happening. 

2) Teacher Question & Answer

This story as i said is all about slavery. slavery tore families apart.

Slavery still exists today in areas where there isnst very much controle. a lot of mirgrants end up as slaves. Do you think that we should be doing more to try stop this? 

3) Discussion Question

1.  What do you know about slavery? What is wrong with slavery?

2. Do you think there is a connection between slavery and recism. What do you think it is? 

3. Do you think that slavery has impact peoples lives today? In what ways might it have? 

4) Collaborative Response

During our collaborative response I asked the following questions.

  1. What do you know about slavery? What is wrong with slavery?
  2. Do you think there is a connection between slavery and racism. What do you think it is? 
  3. Do you think that slavery has impact people’s lives today? In what ways might it have? 

In our group we discussed about what they already knew about slavery such as how it started a long time ago and still has effect on people today. We spoke about the black lives matter movement and how the African Americans have really worked hard to be excepted in today’s society. We spoke about how racism is connected to slavery because the Africans were targeted and people didn’t think they were human and they were treated like animals. We also spoke about how there is still slavery today. Migrants that are traveling to get to a safer home are sometimes lied to and then sold a slave auctions. I asked id this is something we should be putting more effort into to stop and what are some things we could do. We came up with things like more awareness. Some people think slavery is a thing of the past but it isn’t. we spoke about making websites to help with the awareness. Everyone uses the internet now days so it would be a good way to get people to see it.

5) Character Tweet

Please submit your tweet for this week's reading to Links to an external site.

6) Creative Role activity

Please submit your creative activity for this week here.


Week 2

1) Summary 

Summery #2.

As you know my book is called day of tears and is about slavery. In the last summery it was about a plantation owner who had many debts and was having to sell of most of his slave. As he hosted the biggest slave auction in Americas history families were getting torn apart.

This time it gets into more detail of the auction. It was the last day of the auction and a slave called Emma had got masters two daughters ready to go. The master wanted Emma to come with them to help look after the kids. they got to the auction and Emma was surprised because usually at auctions there is stalls full of cows or horses or any other farm animals for sale but here the stalls were full of people. slaves!  As the day went on Emma saw people she knew getting sold. She also knew she would most likely never see them again. Towards the end of the day Emma was standing with the oldest girl and she saw master speaking to a lady in a long dress. They were talking and master kept shaking his head then shook her hand. When Emma got called over she knew what was going on. Pierce Butler had broken the promise. He had just agreed to sell Emma the most valuable slave. Emma’s farther saw what happened from the barn where he had been talking to other slaves. All they had time for was a hug. Emma couldn’t even say goodbye to her mother because she was back at the plantation.

2) Teacher Question & Answer

during this story the master's oldest girl doesnt like slavery and wants nothing to do with it. would you be like the master and force her to watch the slave auction? 

i personally wouldnt want to go to a slave auction unless i was trying to stop it. i definatly wouldnt make anyone go especially my own kid. (if i had one! :P) 

3) Discussion Question

In this story Emma the most valuable slave has just been sold. She is most likely never going to see her family again. 

1. How would you feel if someone came and just tool you away without anytime to say goodbye?

2. would you try to get away from them? 

3. if you were alive during this time period. would you owns slaves? if so how would you treat them? 

4) Collaborative Response

We spoke about how the slaves were treated badly. We spoke about how if we lived in this time period and got seperated from our family we would probably miss a lot of things including our family, friends, and playing sports and just being free and able to live a life we want to. we also said that we would probably try escape. i also asked the question if you lived then would you own slaves. they said yes because it was like tradition and it was normal then but at the same time they probably wouldnt treat them as bad. 

5) Character Tweet

Please submit your tweet for this week's reading to Links to an external site.

6) Creative Role activity

Please submit your creative activity for this week here 


Week 3

1) Summary of the reading


2) Teacher Question & Answer


3) Discussion Question


4) Collaborative Response


5) Character Tweet

Please submit your tweet for this week's reading to Links to an external site.

6) Creative Role activity

Please submit your creative activity for this week here 


Week 4

1) Summary 


2) Teacher Question & Answer


3) Discussion Question


4) Collaborative Response


5) Character Tweet

Please submit your tweet for this week's reading to Links to an external site.

6) Creative Role activity

Please submit your creative activity for this week here 


Week 5

1) Summary 


2) Teacher Question & Answer


3) Discussion Question


4) Collaborative Response


5) Character Tweet

Please submit your tweet for this week's reading to Links to an external site.

6) Creative Role activity

Please submit your creative activity for this week here