Cover Letter
- Due Jun 1, 2019 by 1:59am
- Points 20
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
After you complete all mock interviews at your campus, your task is to reach out to a REAL LIVE ADULT* within your community and ask them to interview you.
In order to do this, you will be writing your chosen person(s) a cover letter.
What is a cover letter?
A cover letter accompanies your resume to introduce you to a prospective employer (in this case, interviewer) as a knowledgeable and capable applicant. Ideally, the content of the cover letter should address why you would be a good fit for the organization to which you are applying. It should be written in business format and be no longer than one page. You are not trying to address or cover every aspect of the position in a cover letter. Remember that your goal is to market yourself by clearly explaining why the employer should consider hiring you. You should highlight what sets you apart from other candidates and how this difference will ultimately benefit the employer. Do thorough research on the organization so you can articulate your competitive advantage.
For this assignment, your cover letter will mostly cover the fact that you are building life-ready career skills in school, and would like to experience what a real-life interview would be like. I recommend that you ask an individual who works at a company that is similar to what you might like to do later in life! (However, you can also choose an older family member if that would be easier.)
Cover Letter Format
- Cover letter has a heading (top contact information) that is identical to the resume. (If you're lucky, there might be a matching template!)
- Include the full address and contact information of the company/organization
- Contact name, contact title, company/organization, full address (as much as you know).
- Use a three-paragraph structure that is approximately ½ page long to ¾ page long
- Introduction paragraph – Three to four sentences indicating the reason you are requesting this interview. (And no, you can't write "my CALM teacher is forcing me".
- Main body – Majority of your cover letter that details why you are interested in being interviewed by this specific human.
- Final paragraph – End your letter with confidence (don’t beg) and a way to communicate with you to set up an interview. Make sure that you thank the reader for their time.
Cover Letter Do’s & Don’ts (General - not all of these will apply to this assignment)
- Research the company and describe how their mission aligns with your own approach or professional interests
- Provide a simple and concise theme with your knowledge of the company/organization
- Explain why you are passionate about the industry or company
- Include relevant work experience, education, skills, and abilities to support your purpose for your interest in the company and position (embellish on your resume, don't repeat)
- Address to a named individual and their title
- Is brief and to the point
- Project confidence and enthusiasm
- Minimize “I” statements, monotonous sentence structure, or excessive redundancy
- Proofread your letter. Get a friend to proofread as well!
- Send your resume without a cover letter. You always send a cover letter even if an employer does not request one.
- Be negative or desperate (avoid using words such as: please, hope, honored etc.)
- Mention your lack of skill or experience
- Include false claims or exaggeration of your skill or abilities
- Wait for the employer to follow up with you
- Send written material with typos or poorly constructed sentence structure, grammar and/or syntax
- Indicate how you would benefit from, learn, grow, or use the position as a stepping stone or temporary position for your other goals
- Use only your education and personal interest as the purpose for pursuing the position. It is important to translate transferrable skills from previous positions that would apply to the current position you are seeking.
- Rehash your resume or include too much detail that is already on your resume.
Since this is not a typical cover letter, you can focus on which skills and qualities you are hoping to develop by completing this mock interview.
* The REAL LIVE ADULT you do this interview with must be minimum 25 years old, and someone who (preferably) does not live in the same house. IF you choose a parent to interview you, they must be committed to treating this like a real interview. You are NOT allowed to choose a teacher from your campus (but a CA would be allowed, if willing).
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||||
Total Points:
out of 20